Who is Captain Culture?
Dealing with Intercultural dialogue and searching for Innovative ideas and exploring Creativity? This is the perfect opportunity to bring some fresh ideas and approaches in the field.
An international team of trainers has prepared a training course on intercultural dialogue. We will be exploring and using different approaches and tools you could use if you are a youth worker dealing with cultural issues.
Come and join us in Cyprus, the island far in the east edge of the Mediterranean, where culture of three continents blends in with traditions.
Come and join us in this journey from the 29th of November (Monday) to the 6th of December (Monday) 2010 where Captain Culture is a hero and prejudices come down to zero!
Main aims
Captain Culture TC is an experiential 8 days course (including travelling days). Main aims are to learn how to deal with cultural diversity, to use cultural diversity as a tool to discover identity, to work with concrete aspects of cultural diversity and integration in youth work.
Awareness of the importance that influence of culture has on person’s behaviour and identity
Recognition and sensitiveness for differences that other cultures bring
Pointing out the importance of cultural issues in YiA Programme
Developing tools, activities, strategies for improvement of youth work on local level focused on cultural diversity
Promoting multiplying effect of youth workers in local participation
Target group
Number of participants 26 above 18 years old youth workers dealing with intercultural issues interested in using alternative approach in intercultural learning. Participants are from: Cyprus, Romania, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Portugal. List of participant will be available during the training. If you want to contact people from your country to travel together let us know and we’ll provide you their contacts.
Structure of the training course
Specific feature of the training is that in certain moment it will consist of two parallel groups in one TC: Exploring Daily to Day Culture and Activities using the Local environment. Participants will be able to experience Captain Culture from any of the two, but with the shared sessions at the end of every working day; sharing, evaluating, discussing and integrating experiences of both groups into common learning experience.
Also, another specific quality of this training course is focus on tools and concrete use of learning products, therefore participants will be supported and guided on development, implementation and evaluation of their own tools for ICL.
Team of trainers:
Milena Lazic - Serbia
Nina Arnus – Slovenia
Rodrigo Vilarinho-Portugal
Panayiotis Theodorou - Cyprus
Working language
During the whole training, the working language will be ENGLISH
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